Я была в музее мадам Тюссо

I’ve been to Madame Tussauds’ glamorous Blush party. It’s a party to make Elton proud, where you can mingle with the likes of J-Lo, Julia Roberts and Sarah Michelle Gellar as they click their Manolo Blahniks and drip with  designer labels.

First you must deal with the press. As soon as the lift doors open, fame beckons as you're greeted by a barrage of penned-in paps (paparazzi, darling) who flash their cameras and call out your name. Court the tabloids with enthusiasm that would make Geri Halliwell proud and taste that  that first tantalising titbit of celebrity.


Alternatively, throw your coat over your head, make a run for it and dodge the flashbulbs.
Once safely ensconced inside, you can schmooze to the latest pumping beats, with the dizzying array of stars that litter the bash.


Here you'll find Britney Spears, who hangs, suspended from a pole with - wait for it - a chest that heaves in time to the music.


Dance coaches can teach you how to perform a Britney hit in front of your fellow Blush guests. Oh baby, baby, as Ms Spears might say.

Oh yea, I've been to this dazzling party, sincerely your репетитор английского языка, Нонна Гук.


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У себя дома - 48%
Дома у преподавателя - 28%
На работе - 12%
В нейтральном месте - 12%

Кол-во голосов: 25
The voting for this poll has ended on: 05 Июль 2013 - 15:08


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